Philip-Lorca diCorcia’s photographs straddle truth and fiction by combining real people and places—but not necessarily people and places that naturally go together. The theatricality of his images is carefully constructed: he arranges the objects of each scene and devises precise lighting and framing for every project. His work is often described as cinematic, a description that diCorcia deplores. He insists that his pictures suggest rather than elucidate a full narrative. His brand of storytelling results in unstable, unfixed images that point in certain directions but never provide a definitive map.
Title: Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Publisher: Almine Rech Editions
Language: English
Publication Date: 2001
Binding: Softcover
Book Condition: Excellent
Dust Jacket Condition: N/A
Edition: First Edition
Size: 22 x 21 cm
Pages: 32